TEDx La Jolla

Hi everyone ~I recently had an amazing opportunity to participate at the TEDx La Jolla event on September 17th.  It was so much fun and talk about a room full of inspiring people!  I felt honored that they invited me to come share my story about living with chronic illness and maintaining a positive attitude..how I do it and my message to others out there.[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GmCB4opCq4[/embed]To all you families living with cystic fibrosis...we know it's a real difficult task at times.  We are always thinking of you and would love to hear from you!  We are going to add a page featuring real life families from all over the world.  If you want to participate, please drop us a line at melissa@clairesplacefoundation.orgKeep up the good work!Lots of love to you all,Claire
